The Basic Requirement setup a tank
little time spent viewing the tanks and stands available in Your local tank filled with water, gravel and rock weighs about 100 Pounds. Sorry, but that beautiful ornate
little time spent viewing the tanks and stands available in Your local tank filled with water, gravel and rock weighs about 100 Pounds. Sorry, but that beautiful ornate
coffee table just won't do unless you want a "disaster area" in your homel Tanks with stand setups are worthy of consideration and allow You greater freedom of choice when planning a location for the aquarium.
pet store will be more valuable than a whole chapter on the subject. The following
suggestions are to guide you in making a final decision' Unless You already have a
substantial base on which to place your tank, You will require a stand. The average
ten-gallon Always make sure to set the tank on a firm, level surface'
Failure to do so may result in pressure cracks and leakage'